It is present in the top, highest-scoring word, OXYPHENBUTAZONE (41 points), but also in the runner-up BENZODIAZEPINES (38 points). Interestingly, the highest-scoring Scrabble words, regardless of the version played, actually contain the pair ZO too. CHORIZO (21 points) and PAPARAZZO (31 points) end with ZO. RAZOR (14 points), BLAZONING (21 points), and OZONE (14 points) contain the pair ZO in their middle. For example, ZOOM (15 points), ZOO (12 points), ZONE (13 points), and ZODIAC (18 points) all start with ZO. Although the word ZO and its variants referring to a breed of cattle are not accepted in the US-Canada version of the game, there are plenty of words with this pair or letters that are. Are there any words with ZO valid in all Scrabble versions? As such, players are also allowed to play DSO (4 points), DZO (13 points), ZHO (15 points), DZHO (17 points), DSOS (5 points), DZOS (14 points), ZHOS (16 points), and DZHOS (18 points). It should be noted that the other spelling variants of ZO and their respective plurals are also accepted in the British version of Scrabble. Its regular plural (ZOS) is also valid in this game version and is worth 12 points.

The discrepancy between the values of the two letters is explained by their commonality in the English language. Its value is a combination of the 10 points of the letter Z with the single point coming from the letter O. In Scrabble UK, ZO is worth 11 points, making it one of the highest-scoring words with only two letters, together with ZA and QI. Likewise, it is also not valid in Words with Friends.Ĭollins dictionary, which is endorsed by Mattel and the World English-Language Scrabble™ Players’ Association, confirms the validity and value of ZO in Scrabble UK, defining it as a “Tibetan breed of cattle”. The US-Canada Scrabble dictionary does not recognize the word, nor does it accept it as a valid play. Yes, ZO is a valid Scrabble word, but only in the UK version of the game. The name of this breed originates from the original Tibetan word for the male specimens: mdzo. Its plurals follow the standard form, adding an S to the end of the accepted spellings - ZOS, DSOS, ZHOS, DZHOS, or DZOS. It can also be spelled DSO, ZHO, DZHO, or DZO. It is the name of a breed of cattle in Tibet, that is a cross between the yak with common cattle. Yes, ZO is a word that can be easily found in British dictionaries. The issue is not in the word per se, but the version of the game the players are playing. Interestingly enough, this is a discussion in which everyone is right. These arguments' main point is always whether ZO is a valid Scrabble word or not. Despite being a simple 2-letter word, ZO is highly likely to generate some arguments around a Scrabble board.